Thomas Johnston leads fieldwork in Volcán de Colima, Mexico

Our latest field campaign took us to Volcan de Colima, Mexico. PhD student Thomas Johnston led the trip, accompanied by myself and Peter Rowley. The aim of the trip was to use drones to survey the exposed faces of 2015 dome collapse deposits in the Montegrande barranca. Using digital image analysis, we aim to perform grain size analysis that includes the large (i.e. >64 mm) blocks in the deposits. We hope that a robust characterisation of the blocks will help to inform on lava dome structure and conditions prior to collapse.

During the trip, we were also lucky enough to fly over the crater to gain important visual and thermal images to help with our analyses.


New paper led by PhD student Amy Myers! Dome vs. spine?


DeMoPlanet: a project to explore deformation as a result of magma intrusion