ROTTnROCK field campaign to Tenerife
The Tenerife team! From left to right: Gao Guosheng (GFZ), Claire Harnett (UCD), Nadia McGlynn (UCD), Kendra Ni Nuallain (UCD), Thomas Walter (GFZ), Mike Heap (ITES), Valentin Troll (UU), Natalia Dzieciolowska (UU), Ben de Jarnatt (GFZ), and Davitia James (GFZ).
The first joint field campaign for ROTTnROCK kicked off with a trip to Tenerife. We explored the hydrothermally altered areas, as well as a day at the top of Teide sampling. It was a great opportunity for the full team to be in one place and discuss exciting future research avenues together. Between the teams, we flew drones, took hyperspectral measurements, took in-situ strength measurements, and took samples for geochemical and mechanical testing.
For me, it was particularly great to spend some time on the island after first visiting for an internship in 2013!